Trench 1 Update

Assistant Supervisor, Alex Stevens, reports from T1.

The season got off to a bit of a slow start in Trench 1, as we tried to clean up the blow in from the winter, plan, and photograph the trench. Happily, this is now complete, so let the digging commence!

Katie and Nina planning in T1

Thanks to the repeated cleaning, and after comparing plans of the old and new Trench 1, we believe we have identified the returning wall of one (or possibly both) of the Anglo-Saxon buildings, coming through the South-east corner of the trench. This is obviously quite exciting for us, as it will enable us to accurately gauge the size of the buildings, which are associated with St. Oswald’s gate. Based on what we know so far, the external, timber building is about 7m wide. If the returning wall is where we think it is, it would make the building about 10m long, or large enough to swing several cats.

As well as revealing Anglo-Saxon building cuts, the students in trench one have found the time to uncover some nice finds (Pictures to follow). The pick of the punch must be our copper alloy ‘Thors Hammer’. No agreement yet as to what it actually is, but the little loop on top might suggest some kind of pendant? Other theories include a wall fitting, a cloak pin or (probably not) a tooth pick.

Assistant Supervisor Alex 'supervising' at T1.

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